Last Name :_________________________ Year of birth:_________________ First Name:_________________________ Age this year:_________________ Address:_________________________ Religion:_________________ :_________________________ Occupation:_________________ City:_________________________ [ ] Male [ ] Female State:_________________________ [ ] Single [ ] Married Country:________________ Postal Code:___________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Correspondance Preferred [] Male [] Female [] Both In which languages do you wish to correspond: ENGLISH PLUS: []French []German []Chinese []Italian []Japanese []Portuguese []Russian []Spanish ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever been a member of our club? [ ] Yes [ ] No How or where did you hear about us?____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Which Items in general interest you? 1[]Art 2[]Animals 3[]Athletics 4[]Boating 5[]Business 6[]Camping 7[]Cinema 8[]Computers 9[]Crafts 10[]Dancing 11[]Exchange Vacations 12[]Fishing 13[]Frank Discussion 14[]Games 15[]History 16[]Liturature 17[]Languages 18[]Music 19[]Photography 20[]Poetry 21[]Reading 22[]Science 23[]Sport 24[]Theatre 25[]Travel -----------------------------------------------------------------------Select at least 2 Regions in which you want to have PenFriends
Region 1 [] North America Region 7 [] Middle East Region 2 [] Central America Region 8 [] Southern Asia Region 3 [] South America Region 9 [] East Asia Region 4 [] United Kingdom Region 10 [] Africa Region 5 [] Western Europe Region 11 [] Australia & Pacific Region 6 [] Eastern Europe ALL [] All Regions ========================================================================= MEMBERSHIP [] G1 - One STUDENT....$6.00 U.S. or 9 IRC's Each ** Fees may be paid by Cash, U.S. Check or Money Order and should be made payable to: IPF Return all group forms together with fees to: International PenFriends School/Group Department PO BOX 789 CHELAN WA 98816-0789 USA
All Applications must be filled out entirely. Applications not completely filled out can not be processed. Applications must be collected by the Group Leader and mailed in together. Individual applications received will not be processed. Lists will be mailed directly to member. Applications must have members home address. School addresses can only be accepted if member lives in a boarding school. Group Leader May Have a standard membership at half price, if application is sent in with groups. Primary Language used in program is English. IPF protects members application information and does not sell or disclose members information to any other company for any purpose. IPF does not perform any sort of background check on members wishing to join. Group Leader MUST Provide a cover sheet with school/group Name with Group leaders contact information. Failure to do so can cause processing delay.MEMBERSHIP
You will start by receiving a list of 5 PenFriends that you will write first. Membership lasts one year and during that time your name will appear on other member lists who will write to you first. Giving you many PenFriends who will be in your own age group, capable of writing at least one language you have in common and have similar interests.
(Applications must be mailed in together)** (IRC) = INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON. Available at any Post Office / Type CN 01
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